Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Baby Elephant at Melbourne Zoo
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
UP2i Paraphrasing and Summarising Activities
Be patient with these tasks, they are quite challenging...............
..........but very worthwhile! I am sure they will strengthen your language abilities.
Good Luck!
The 'real' Jim J. Braddock
There are some very interesting photos!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
What is Franchising?
The term 'franchising' can describe some very different business arrangements.
This is the most common form of franchising. A true business format franchise occurs when the owner of a business (the franchisor) grants a licence to another person or business (the franchisee) to use their business idea - often in a specific geographical area.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
WRITING FOCUS - Grammar activities, sentence structure and using transition signals
Some Easy Grammar Activities which are clear and concise
**Please note that some of these activities focus on using transition words in sentences – including effective comparison and contrast transition words.
In-text referencing sample worksheet
Suggested ways to report the ideas of others, or refer to data in a survey.
1. According to Maslow (Bartol et al. 2006) the highest need for humans is Self-Actualisation, which refers to reaching one's full potential. Employers address this need by providing opportunities for self-improvement and success in the workplace. Recognition for hard work or superior ideas is also an important focus for employers, and relates to Maslow's Esteem Level in his Hiearchy of Needs Theory.
2. One way of keeping workers happy in the workplace is to give them a sense of belonging, by encouraging good relationships with their colleagues. (Burke 2006)
3. Workers in Hong Kong place a lot of importance on earning more money because of the high cost of basic education, health and general living expenses (Furnham 1995). For this reason money is a strong motivator in that country, and would be in other countries with similarly high living costs.
4. A survey carried out by the University of Wessex showed that both men and women considered having an interesting job to be of high importance to them in their workplace. (Phillips 2004)
5. According to Phillips (2004) studies prove that for most people, an interesting job is better than a well-paid one.
6. Do not do this question
7. Bailey (Bourke in Cotton et al. 2006) suggests that flexible leave banks is an effective way to cater to the family needs of employees outside the workplace.
Model Essay Plan - Motivation Essay
Task 1 Analysing the essay question
a task words discuss; explain
b content words strategies Infocision uses; how needs are fulfilled
c limiting words meet needs of employees; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory
d questions What are employee needs?
How does Infocision know about these needs?
What strategies does Infocision use to meet these needs?
What is Maslow’s theory?
How does the theory apply to Infocision’s employees?
Task 2. Note taking – suggested main points
Infocision Management Corp. - founded 1982 by Gary Taylor - teleservices firm
Company philosophy: ‘happier employee is a better employee’
Employees respected and valued
Top performers frequently receive awards e.g. cash, TVs, iPods, cars
“Employee of the Month” ceremonies reward staff who perform above company expectations
Job satisfaction fulfilled by training, encouragement, development, recognition, and creating happy environment
Healthy employees encouraged by:having gyms, fitness programs, stop smoking program with free nicotine replacement therapy in many locations;on-site doctor for all staff, including those not covered by Infocision health insurance
Child-care subsidies recently introduced
Company values – every staff member is highly regarded
Company aim – provide enjoyable and worthwhile jobs
Company results exceed competition due to services for clients and employee performance
Discuss the strategies InfoCision uses to meet the needs of its employees. Explain how the needs that are being fulfilled relate to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory.
Task 3 . Essay plan (SAMPLE ONLY)
Maslow’s hierarchy – 5 levels/Lower order needs must be fulfilled before higher level needs
InfoCision – successful company – meeting needs of its employees
Essay will use Maslow’s theory to illustrate strategies
Body 1
Lowest level ‘Physiological’ – basic physical needs e.g. hunger, thirst, shelter
Theory in workplace – Need to earn enough money.
Infocision strategy:No mention of pay amounts.Assumption: higher level needs are being met therefore lowest need must already be satisfied due to hierarchy theory.
Body 2
2nd level ‘Safety’ – security, protection
Theory in workplace – safe and healthy environment, guaranteed benefits
Infocision strategy:Health looked after – fitness programs, gyms, on-site doctor, stop smoking program.Whole family health insurance helps workers with family, protecting more than employees. Healthy family results in workers not missing work to care for sick relatives.Child care – workers able to be at work when given child care place which can be hard to find. Reduced cost also helps family.
Body 3
3rd level ‘Social’ – sense of belonging, love
Theory in workplace – Good relationships with co-workers and bosses, social activities
Infocision strategy:Positive environment, want staff to enjoy their work.Company values each employee and client as individualTreat staff with respect and see as heart of business – staff feel they are central part of company
Body 4
4th level ‘Esteem’ – self esteem, recognition, status
Theory in workplace – High job status, valued by others, receive praise and recognition
Infocision strategy:Recognition – monthly awards “Employee of the month”Prizes for top performers – cash, iPods, TVs, cars.
Body 5
Highest level ‘Self-actualisation’ – self development
Theory in workplace – develop talent and skills; interesting & challenging job; make own decisions about work
Infocision strategy:Give training, encouragement and development
Restatement – 5 levels of Maslow’s hierarchy. Infocision satisfies all needs of employees. Company results reflect staff satisfaction.
Answers to Reading Practice 25/1/10
- Uniforms are practical working clothes/unique
- Makes someone identifiable/makes a person identify with something
- Can have important psychological benefits - removes conflict competition
- Prevents social rejection by peers (which may create problems further down the track i.e. rejecting school)
- Free dress can add to children's problems/uniform makes everyone look equal
- Makes it easier for teachers to control students
- Teachers could be distracted i.e. by well developed girls if not in a uniform
- Allows students to learn self-discipline/principals
- Encourages 'allowable' behaviour - shows students they have to conform to society
- Long wearing qualities
- Tax deductible
- Too much unnecessary pressure - can be reprimanded for minor/small reasons
- Requires strict policing - students can be suspended for disobedience
- Can lead to dislike/distrust/bitterness between teachers and students
- That self discipline comes from trust and good relationships, not uniforms
- Uniforms are not always cheap and functional - are expensive/children grow out of them quickly
- Not a social leveleer because minor details in uniforms become more apparent - i.e. if a student misses an expensive bit it's noticed by other students, or members of a family may have to share the uniform (or parts of the uniform)
- That students would settel sooner or later in functional gear - not way out dress and then teachers etc. could focus on more important issues
- Tax deduction does not benefit low income earners
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Answers to Task 3 (Work Vocabulary Worksheets)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Baby Elephant born in Melbourne Zoo
Dokkoon gives birth to a girl - Melbourne Zoo is celebrating the birth of a baby elephant – only the second to be born in Australia
Read and watch here:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
1) Type your Body Paragraph 1 / Motivation Essay (double spacing)
2) Refine and complete your plan for Body paragraphs 1, 2 and 3
(I will collect before class tomorrow morning /Room 11.24)
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Update on Pregnant Dokkoon
Dokkoon Pregnancy Update - 4 month scan from Zoos Victoria on Vimeo.
Find out more here....
And watch some very interesting videos here.....
those needs
1. Managers should value, seek and use employee's own ideas:
Possible strategies:
Start a suggestion box
Agenda item at an employee meeting
Professional Development sessions
2. Managers should keep their employees informed
Possible strategies:
Create a blog or website to keep employees up to date with things which are happening at the company - changes/new strategies, etc...
Possible Strategies:
- Publish important news on the blog/website (marriages, births)
- Organise some activities where workers DO NOT talk about work
- Ask workers to keep a diary of their concerns
Possible strategies:
- Employee of the Month (award/reward)
- Publish achievements (newletter/posters/website)
Possible strategies:
- Managers should not 'micromanage' - they should give autonomy but clear guidelines and support at the same time.
- Use company rules/guidelines to do this well
Possible strategies:
- Employ safety technicians to monitor the physical work environment
- Purchase relevant equipment (e.g. ergonomical office chairs)
- Keep employees up to date with safety features (to build security)
Possible strategies:
- money/bonus
- holidays
- perks - company car
- certificate of achievement
8. Managers shuld challenge those workers who seem bored in their roles.
Possible strategies:
- Organise social events at the weekend
- make the jobs more interesting
- job- swap (creating multi-skilled workers and relieving boredom at the same time)
5. down = opportunity
20. across: security
16. down: Wessex
Thanks Lillian!
3. across: self-actualisation
Thanks Simon!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Read the latest news :
Melbourne Zoo keeper Steve Blanchard rides on pregnant elephant Dokkoon's back as part of her fitness program.
An Interesting Job is Better than a Well-Paid One
1. Who conducted the survey?
2. What was the topic of the survey?
3. How many people were questioned for the survey?
4. What was the most important factor for women?
5. What was the most important factor for men?
6. What was the 3rd most important factor for both men and women?
7. According to this and other studies, when is work stress highest?
True or False?
9. Complete the following table:
More important FOR MEN or for FOR WOMEN?
- being recognised for good work
- working for a boss you respect
- having flexible working hours
- working for a successful company
- having a chance for promotion
10. What is the advice the article gives to managers who are trying to make a job more interesting?
11. What is the advice the article gives to managers to make a job seem more worthwhile to employees?
12. What is the comparison given between motivation and money?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Summary of article 'Perks that Work' (Readings Booklet pg 37)
According to Burke in his article “Perks that Work”, as there are very few unemployed people in contemporary society, companies are beginning to use different strategies to keep their workers. His article outlines some of those strategies. For example, many companies offer extra benefits to employees including more money, better perks and help with personal problems.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Action Plan - UP2i Week 6
Don't be like this guy!
Homework for Tuesday
Revise and study theory on Essay Analysis (pages 24-28 Resources Book)
Practice page 29 - Questions 2,3,4 (use Question 1 sample to guide you)
Essay Analysis (Essay 2: Employee Motivation)
Identify task/content/limiting words in the question- (page 7 Resources Book)
Vocabulary Exercises: a,b,c (pages 34-35 Readings book )
Homework for Wednesday
Library Research Task for Employee Motivation Essay (see page 8, Resources Book )
Homework for Thursday
Correct and write new improved draft of Research Essay 1 (Academic Culture Essay)
Email your new draft to
AND DON't forget to email your photo to me as soon as possible!
Have a lovely evening...
THE BEST PLACE TO WORK?? And the winner for 2009 is.....GOOGLE (again!)
South Africa
Interview with employees – Australia Google